Rondy: Desolation Wilderness Backpacking
Dates: August 14 - 17, 2025
Leader: Matt Didden -
Number of anglers (including leader): 6
Description: This Sierra Tahoe Rondy is a 3-night backpacking trip to fly fish the headwaters of the American River watershed located west of Lake Tahoe. This Rondy is limited to 5 experienced backpackers (6 including the leader).
The plan is to thru-hike from Eagle Falls trailhead to Pyramid Creek trailhead, an approximately 20 mile hike with 4,200 feet of elevation gain. Each day we will hike 5-7 miles to a new campsite. Likely camp locations will be Middle Velma Lake, Susie Lake, and Lake of the Woods. There will be opportunities to fish these and more than a dozen other lakes. The elevation ranges from ~6,500’ to ~9,000’, with one pass to cross (Dick’s Pass, 9,400 feet).
We will meet at Pyramid Creek trailhead off Highway 50 mid-morning of August 14 and shuttle to Eagle Falls trailhead (~30 minute drive). There will be a virtual pre-meeting to discuss logistics, carpool, gear, fly selection, shared supplies, etc. The date for this pre-meeting will be in May at a date to be set later.
You must be an experienced backpacker and have the ability to hike with your pack up to 7 miles a day on rough trails. The leader is an experienced backpacker. However, the expectation is that all participants in this Rondy will be self-sufficient. You will need all the normal backpacking gear to take care of yourself on the trail. We may share some gear such as stoves, water filters, etc. Temperatures can vary with warm days and cool, sometimes very windy, nights. Pack accordingly for all conditions!
Suggested Gear: 4-6 wt single handed fly rods
Cost: The fee for this Rondy is $25. Other expenses will include your transportation and food/supplies.
Cancellation Policy: There are no refunds. In the event that a member is, for any reason, unable to attend, he may resell his slot (rod) to another GGACC member (by first pulling from the waitlist if one exists). It is the sole responsibility of the member to manage this transaction. This is not the responsibility of the leader or club.