Rendezvous (Rondy) Program
The GGACC is proud to announce the Rendezvous (or Rondy) Program for 2025. These are group fishing trips (called "Rondies") for those active club members who are experienced fly fishers unless otherwise stated in the trip description, and wish to participate in these club-organized fishing trips for the companionship they offer and the opportunity to fish these venues. Experienced fly fishers are considered to be those who have done considerable fly fishing on their own without requiring guides or other necessary help.
Unlike the LTFF Program's educational outings (called "fish-outs", to distinguish them from the rondies), the rondies are not mentored outings. The rondy leaders have only organizational responsibilities for leading their groups, and not teaching duties. Please pay attention to any description regarding the requirement/experience expected for that event and make sure you're comfortable and confident in your abilities. Following last year we are running a lottery system helping to ensure a system that's fair and convenient for everyone.
Please note a couple of requirements: An active member is a member that has paid the annual club fees for the current year. You must have a fishing license and all permits for the location and species fished. Participants are expected to know and follow regulations for the locations fished.
The 2025 Rondy Program opens February 1st, 2025, at 8:00 am (i.e., when the Join the Waitlist button shows on the Calendar Event description page). Sign-ups for the Rondys will be on the Club's website under PROGRAMS > RONDY PROGRAM, and closes February 4th at 5:00 pm. You will sign up on the Waitlist for those events you'd like to register for, and everyone on each waitlist will be entered into a lottery for the available slots and winners will be notified and invoiced by email to secure their spots. We ask that you only sign up for trips you're truly interested in given the amount of administrative work required for each trip.
Winners will be invoiced and notified by email on the evening of February 5th and will need to finalize confirmation and payment by February 7th at 5:00 pm. After that time, open spaces will be filled from the waitlist according to the lottery priority. The next in line will be notified and invoiced by email on the eve of February 7th with payment due February 9th at 9:00 am. Unfilled spots will then be open to the waitlist on a first come first serve basis following an announcement via email of the open registration.
There are no refunds. In the event that a member is, for any reason, unable to attend, he may resell his slot (rod) to another GGACC member (by first pulling from the waitlist if one exists). It is the sole responsibility of the member to manage this transaction. This is not the responsibility of the leader or club. See the links under this tab for the list of all Rondies currently shown on the club's calendar.
We'd like to thank all past and current Rondy leaders for their time and effort given to providing support and leadership on these trips; their help and time are invaluable. If you wish to lead a future trip or have an idea you'd like to present as one, please reach out to the committee; we'd love to have you!
As a final note, the greater goal of this program is to encourage a community within the club that provides a network of fishing opportunities with others by one's own agency. This program is a seed and we sincerely hope you take advantage of the people you meet, the experiences and knowledge gained and continue playing that forward. Ultimately, we all arrive together at a larger table.
Once again, it's imperative for the smooth operation of this lottery process that you actively monitor your emails for the week and respond accordingly.
Feb. 1st @ 8:00 AM - Lottery opens
Feb. 4th @ 5:00 PM - Lottery closes
Feb. 5th evening - Lottery winners are notified and invoiced
Feb. 7th @ 5:00 PM - Payment due to secure your spot
Feb. 7th evening - 2nd round winners notified and invoiced
Feb. 9th @ 9:00 AM - Payment due to secure your spot
Unfilled spots will be open to the waitlists, then the general membership, notified by email, on a first come first serve basis.
For more information, contact Mark Johann